
Frameshift is one of the three classes of recoding. Frame-shifts lead to waste of energy, resources and activity of the biosynthetic machinery. In addition, some peptides synthesized after frame-shifts are probably cytotoxic which serve as plausible cause for innumerable number of diseases and disorders such as muscular dystrophies, lysosomal storage disorders, and cancer. Hidden stop codons occur naturally in coding sequences among all organisms. These codons are associated with the early termination of translation for incorrect reading frame selection and help to reduce the metabolic cost related to the frameshift events.. Read More..

What all has been done:

Predicting the Mutational Events and their Association with Various Diseases:

  • FrameOut Tool is a tool to predict the mutational events occuring in genomic sequences through frameshift events.. Read More..
  • FrameOUT DB is a collection of all available frameshift events and their association with various diseases.. Read More..