Differential Conditions has been considered for analysis and demonstration of framework. Jatropha curcas is a potential bio-diesel plant which can be treated as renewable source of energy in near future. Its productivity is decreasing due to Jatropha moasic virus. So, we have considered healthy condition (JH) and diseased condition (JV) to understand the changes which occur at epigenetic level.
Bioinformatics approach used for transcriptome analysis of both (JH & JV) condition based plant samples shown in given figure:
Download Jatropha Healthy (JH) CDS File
Download Jatropha Diseased (JV) CDS File

Bioinformatics approach used for transcriptome analysis of both (JH & JV) condition based plant samples shown in given figure:

Download Jatropha Healthy (JH) CDS File
Download Jatropha Diseased (JV) CDS File