Alzheimer’s Disease Database for Genetic Association Studies and Phosphorylation States

Alzheimer's Disease: Precautions


A number of preliminary studies suggest that how we eat may raise or lower our risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. Eating a diet that is high in whole grains, fruits, vegetables and that is low in sugar and fat can reduce the incidence of many chronic diseases, and researchers are continuing to study whether these dietary modifications are also applicable to Alzheimer’s disease. However, the strongest research supporting these modifications has been performed in animal studies, and remains to be rigorously established in randomized and controlled clinical trials. There are, however, some exciting reports, that though currently preliminary, may one day be shown to protect against Alzheimer’s disease. Many of these modifications have also been shown to be part of overall healthy lifestyles that are likely to protect against other diseases as well. For example, researchers found that clinical trial participants who adhered to a Mediterranean diet have a slower decline on the mini-mental state examination (MMSE) cognitive decline. The Mediterranean diet may be protective against other diseases as well, including age-related macular degeneration. Also, vitamin D3 has been shown to have neuroprotective effects that may preserve cognitive function. This vitamin is produced naturally by the body from exposure to the sun, and is also being studied by AHAF supported scientists for its potential protective effects against glaucoma.

Some studies conducted in animals have shown that including blueberries, strawberries, and cranberries in the diet can lead to improved cognitive function, both in animals that age normally and in those that have been bred to develop “Alzheimer’s disease.” Scientists are beginning to study what chemicals within these berries might be responsible for their beneficial effects.

Curcumin is a spice typically found in turmeric which is used to enhance the flavor of curries and meats in Indian cuisine. Currently researchers are studying the effects of curcumin on the human brain. Recent research implies that curcumin might actually reduce the amount of beta-amyloid plaques associated with Alzheimer’s disease. The problem with curcumin is that, in its natural state it is very difficult for a human body to absorb curcumin consumed as food. Once in the blood stream, it is also quite difficult for curcumin pass from the blood to the brain. AHAF funded scientists are studying whether special preparations of curcumin might overcome these limitations. Similarly, a study conducted on green tea and Alzheimer’s disease indicates that an antioxidant found in green tea, called epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), has powerful anti-plaque ability and may actually prevent or delay Alzheimer’s disease.

Switching from animal based oils and vegetable oil to extra virgin olive oil may also be a good habit to adopt. According to recent research, not only is extra virgin olive oil a generally healthy food, but it may prevent Alzheimer’s disease as well. Studies suggest that oleocanthal, a naturally-occurring compound found in extra-virgin olive oil, changes the structure of Amyloid beta-Derived Diffusible Ligands (ADDLs). ADDLs are proteins that are toxic to nerve cells and may contribute to the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease. By structurally changing ADDLs, oleocanthal may be stopping the proteins' ability to damage nerve cells within the brain.


Exercise is an important activity to add to a healthy lifestyle. AHAF encourages people to discuss exercise plans with their health care provider, so that an appropriate exercise program can be tailored for your specific needs. Studies conducted on those with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) indicate that aerobic exercise may improve cognitive agility. In one study, investigators looked at the relationship between physical activity and ones’ risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. 1,700 adults aged 65 years and older were observed over a 6-year period in this study. Results showed that the risk of Alzheimer’s disease was 35 to 40 percent lower in those who exercised for at least 15 minutes 3 or more times a week than in those who exercised fewer than 3 times a week.

While it is not proven that exercise could prevent Alzheimer’s disease or slow its’ progression, animal studies and preliminary human studies have produced significant interest amongst scientists. Larger, and more rigorous, randomized controlled trials will be necessary before a definitive statement on the role of exercise in the prevention of Alzheimer’s disease can be made. In spite of this, developing an exercise program as part of an Alzheimer’s disease patient’s routine may also be helpful with maintaining muscle strength, decreasing frailty, and elevating mood.

Building Brain Reserves & Social Engagement

Many people born between 1945 and 1964 or “baby boomers” are beginning to worry about Alzheimer’s disease. Millions are already caring for their parents and watching them fade away, and they realize they may be next in line. Although there is currently no cure, scientists believe there are ways to lower the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease by continually “exercising” our brains. Some research suggests that shoring up mental reserves as we age may protect against the onslaught of Alzheimer's. This approach may also delay onset of the disease or possibly help retain cognitive function longer if it does strike.

Building cognitive reserves is a lifelong process that begins in childhood as we expand reading skills. According to classic neurological theory, during the early developmental stages of life, the human brain forms an enormous number of neurons, or nerve cells, but many of these cells also die. The neurons that survive do so by connecting with other neurons during the rapid-growth stage of the nervous system that occurs in childhood and adolescence. Reading progressively more challenging books, learning a musical instrument, creating art, playing chess and engaging in any mental activity all help form these vital neural connections that can last a lifetime, and appear to buffer people from cognitive decline later on. Fortunately, according to the theory of "neuroplasticity," brain reserves can be expanded throughout life, even into advanced old age. A team of researchers led by Dr. David Bennett, M.D., director of the Rush Alzheimer’s Research Center, has studied neuroplasticity in adults. These scientists found that those who continue to learn, to embrace new activities, learn new skills – in essence, to exercise their brains -- continue to build up connections that in turn lower their risk of Alzheimer's disease. Perhaps they have begun to develop the disease, but they show no symptoms because they have brain cells to spare.

Another study led by Dr. Robert Friedland, of Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine, compared mental, physical and social activity levels in adults with rates of developing Alzheimer's disease. The researchers discovered that the more active adults, those who played a musical instrument, gardened, and played mentally engaging board games, for example, were significantly less likely to develop Alzheimer's disease. The benefit extended to those who were active between the ages of 40 and 60, so it’s never too late to start building intellectual muscle, and stimulating hobbies have a pay-off regardless of the age they are started.

Each of these studies, though hopeful and promising, require replication before their impact on risk of Alzheimer’s disease can be confirmed. But what does it hurt? While AHAF does not recommend any commercial products that advertise Alzheimer’s disease prevention, learning new skills or enriching your life in study of a favorite topic is an act of empowerment that AHAF recommends for all people at any age.

It is never too late to start new and creative activities. Continue to enjoy favorite pastimes, but challenge yourself by learning something new. Try a foreign language, read books and newspapers, solve puzzles and brain teasers, sing, dance, play board and video games, correspond by mail and email and engage in conversation. The combination of social, mental and physical stimulation is really the best medicine we have for a healthy life.

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